A downloadable game

Board Poker is an casual card game that combines the strategy of poker with the dynamic gameplay of a board game. In this game, players will use a deck of standard playing cards to create poker hands on the game board, aiming to construct the best possible combinations.

As players create better hands, they earn points, which can be spent on powerful abilities that can change the course of the game. These abilities range from swapping cards on the board, to covering a card on the board with a different one, or even manipulating card values, changing them into entirely different ones.

The game's mechanics encourage players to carefully consider their card placements, as well as when to use their hard-earned points to gain an advantage over their opponents. Players must constantly weigh the risks and rewards of blocking opponents strong turns, spending their points to use abilities, or going for one strong hand versus multiple weaker ones.

With its unique combination of poker hand-building, strategic board play, and powerful abilities, Board Poker offers a fresh new twist on traditional card games.

Music Creator: https://abstractionmusic.com/ - https://tallbeard.itch.io/music-loop-bundle


Board Poker.32bit-1.00.apk 31 MB
Board Poker.646bit-1.00.apk 32 MB

Install instructions

Download and install (Android Only)
If you don't know what version to use, 64-bit is more likely to work well unless your phone is from pre-2019.

Development log

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